martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

Q.E.P.D.... Kim Manners

Que En Paz Descances...


Supernatural executive producer and director Kim Manners passed away Sunday night in Los Angeles, following a battle with cancer.

"Everyone at Supernatural is walking around in a daze, shocked and absolutely devastated" series creator Eric Kripke says in a statement. "Kim was a brilliant director; more than that, he was a mentor and friend. He was one of the patriarchs of the family, and we miss him desperately. He gave so much to Supernatural, and everything we do on the show, now and forever, is in memory of him."

Likewise, cast member Jim Beaver (Who plays bobby) remembers Manners as "one of the best friends and best directors" he has ever known.

Que descanse en paz, Kim Manners, devoto Wincestista, amado Padacklesista (by Lucero)


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